As I mentioned the other day, I now have a pasta machine, so I really wanted to get started making my own pasta.
The one “blocker” I’d run up against, apart from my complete lack of experience, was sourcing the right kind of flour.
Fortunately my local SuperQuinn stocks it, so I picked up some Roma “Pizza and Pasta Flour” (Farina tipo ‘OO’) this afternoon. (Even if it’s not listed on the SuperQuinn site .. or if it is I couldn’t find it!)
I did find a few recipes for basic pasta dough (thanks George!) so I got to work
I sieved the flour and put it on the counter (which I’m finding increasingly to be too small to work on comfortably 🙁 )
Then I mixed the egg and olive oil in a bowl and poured it into the well I’d made in the centre. It was at this point that things started going wrong. I hadn’t made the well in the flour big enough to hold the egg and oil mix and it overflowed. After frantically trying to get the mess back under control I realised that the dough wasn’t exactly “spot on”, but was still usable (to an extent).
I then tried my best to run it all through the pasta machine (after letting the dough rest for about 30 minutes).
The end result was edible, but far from perfect:
So I’ll hopefully have better luck next time!

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