Losing Weight Improve Your Waistline

Some Progress Makes You Feel Better

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So I’m avoiding lots of food. Trying to eat better and more healthy options etc., etc.

Most of the time it’s relatively easy – munching on fruit throughout the day seems to work out okay and if I’ve got too much fruit other people in the office help make sure that it doesn’t go off.

Of course the big question is whether or not any of this is actually working.

While it’s nice that people say encouraging things it’s hard to know if they’re just saying that to help boost your morale. Not that I’m complaining, but tangible results would be so much nicer!

So I was delighted to find that I’d dropped a full kilo when I weighed myself this morning. A full kilo! That’s 2 lbs if you’re into Imperial measurements.

Unfortunately I suspect that the 1kg is due to my horrible hangover yesterday – as I couldn’t stomach food for most of the day, but let’s not dwell on that too much.

Other positive things …

I’ve bought a smaller belt for my trousers, as the one I was using couldn’t be tightened any further and my trousers felt like they were going to fall off me most of the time.

So what now?

Rome wasn’t built in a day, so I just need to keep on at it.

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