Heinz are currently offering “special edition” soups. I’m not sure what the logic behind them is, though I assume it’s some way of rationalising their rather inflated price. Fortunately they were on “special” at the weekend, so the price was closer to the one you’d pay for a can of soup. (I never thought I’d be so fixated on the pricing of soups .. )
I’m not sure how many flavours they’re offering in this “range”, but I like spicy food, so the tomato soup with “a twist of chilli” caught my eye.
It’s not that spicy, but there’s definitely a small “kick”.
Calorie wise a 400g tin “weighs in” at about 236 calories. Preparation is simple – about 3 minutes in the microwave (obviously you take it out of the metal tin and heat it in a non-metallic bowl or other container, unless you like the idea of exploding microwaves!)