As part of my new diet regime for 2012 I’ll be trying to actually follow the recipes and instructions carefully. What that means is that I’ll need to weigh the portions properly.
Up until now I’ve never had any need for an accurate scale for food. I’ve been using a general purpose kitchen scale, which is fine for “normal” cooking, but the graduations aren’t small enough for a strict diet. For example, one of the recipes I was looking at requires 88g of rice. Obviously my current scale won’t be able to measure that amount accurately, so I’ll need to get a more accurate one.
There are probably a lot of specialised suppliers for dieters, but I’d imagine that they’d charge a premium. A simpler solution is to check Argos, as they have a shop nearby.
Browsing the Argos site, as I don’t have a hard copy of their catalogue, I found a pretty good selection of digital scales for around €20.
The Hanson digital scale that they currently have on offer for €15.99 will probably do the job adequately:
Related articles
- A Food Scale: Your Best Diet Tool (
- My Favorite Kitchen Scale: EatSmart Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale (

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