I’ve been on this diet for over 2 months now. So far I’ve lost over 10kg, which isn’t bad going, but I know I need to lose quite a bit more. Actually a LOT more.
But how much weight I need to lose and how quickly I need to lose it isn’t really an issue. Why?
Changing my diet as drastically as I’ve done was a significant change. My relationship with food and cooking has had to evolve. That evolution is still ongoing, as I’m now experimenting with different dishes that meet the requirements for the ketogenic diet and lifestyle.
When I’m at home I weigh myself religiously every single morning shortly after waking up. I’ve no idea if that’s the best time of the day to weigh myself or not, but I’m consistent, which I think is the most important thing.
Some days my weight will have dropped. Some days my weight will have gone the wrong way entirely.
That’s completely normal.
I keep a close eye on my progress (or lack of it) with the Nokia Health Mate app, which gives a very satisfactory push notification when I hit a new low.
I’m doing my best to log what I eat with MyFitnessPal. It doesn’t give me that same satisfying sense of accomplishment when I make big progress, but it does help me keep track of what I’m eating and how my weight is moving slowly closer to the goal I’ve set.
Apart from changing my diet I’ve also changed some aspects of my lifestyle.
I’m going to bed earlier. I’m still going to bed later than a lot of people, but these days I’m often in bed around midnight, which is a lot saner than going to bed around 2am.
I’m sleeping more. Overall my average number of hours sleep has improved. It’s still not optimal, but it’s been moving in the right direction. My brother-in-law installed blackout blinds for me a couple of weeks back, so I’m no longer being woken at dawn, which definitely helps.
I’m getting up earlier. I used to drag myself out of bed around 8am most weekday mornings and then struggle to get myself moving and into the office. These days I am usually up, showered and dressed by 745am. Having to cook breakfast every morning has changed my approach to mornings.
I have a fairly healthy salad for lunch 5 days a week. While repetition might seem boring having salad for lunch every weekday is far from boring. I vary the ingredients and I’ve been enjoying making rich salad dressings to go with my salads.
I have more energy. Sort of.
I feel more flexible. One of those things that you notice over time. Generally I feel a bit more flexible. I’m not going to become a gymnast, but I’ve definitely got back some of the flexibility that I’d lost over the past 10 years or so.
But as I mentioned this is all about being slow and steady.
Previously I’d tried diets that were either too finicky or just plain complicated for me to adapt to. The ketogenic (low carb) diet is relatively easy to stick to and seems to suit me. I still miss certain drinks and foods, but overall I’m not exactly miserable nor am I constantly hungry.
Okay I have been eating all I wanted and still drinking as normal, not heavy but I like a beer or two a week if I can. Anyhow I’ve dropped 10Kg, steadily and am on a nice gradual downward controlled weigh loss. Losing weight too quickly unless its really really necessary is a bad idea.
So couple things I found useful.
1. Weight in once a week only, Saturday or Sunday, after your morning.. “constitutional movement” as some would say. Doing it every day is more or less pointless. Water content varies, food intake etc etc. Pick a day and thats the official weight you are for the week. Still check if you must but it can lead to over thinking and unnecessary disappointment.
2. Cook all your meals. Eating out is exceptional event and to be enjoyed, but this is difficult given your travel schedules. I know hotels that don’t provide a kettle let alone anything you can cook in your room, so use an airbnb and do a local shop. This is great because you get to cook what you want, but also get the joy of shopping in another country for normal day to day stuff. However this one will get dropped a lot if you visit for one or two day meetings a lot. But try to find a place then that gives you a healthy food choice in the locality. Big change for me because I loved my steaks… now I don’t (They are usually shite unless Irish, French or Northern Spanish sourced anyhow)
3. Hydration, drink water, seriously I know you are not thirsty, drink it anyhow, really!
4. The single biggest problem in our industry is lack of movement. I committed to cycling 50Km every week and put it out on my Strava. I bought an eltie drivo trainer, bluetooth connects to my imac and I use Zwift. Weather can be -30 ourside, I can still cycle (Sometimes even on long conference calls I hop on now). I have a sit/standing desk and first thing in the morning, I do a 1 hour cycle. Not only is this great for waking you (After coffee) it really focuses the day I find and plus helps with stress and stuff. Its actually a joy now (This week I done over 120Km but minimum is 50). I don’t always do it, but honestly, this is the single biggest change I’ve made and I won’t be altering it too much. If you don’t like cycling, walk, swim, horse ride, something anything, but this is your life and 1 hour a day while seems a lot, is minimum to spend on you
5. Celebrate goals, pat yourself on the back, and then set a new goal. Be public about it on strava or something not only have I reconnected with some old work pals but also met new normal people too (Not the tri-athelete type but normal regular joes just doing their thing)
6. Forget mumbo jumbo, Exercise, motivation and moderation honestly I found was best. Screw low carb, high carb, protein blah blah blah, Incorporate it into your life and it will just work…
Above being said I may not work for you, just sharing what I found handy, I would be great if I could apply the above to my smoking too tho 🙂 Still a win is a win. Keep it up man! Well done you!
How long did it take you to lose the 10kg?
1 – I disagree on that one, but I know why you’re saying it
2 – Yes – 100% yes.
3 – Agreed though it can be hard at times to drink that much water
4 – 100% agreed. I’ll look into the gear you mentioned – sounds intriguing and I love my gadgets 🙂
5 – Agreed, though that’s kind of why I have this blog
6 – well as long as it works for you 🙂
Thanks for your comment
As I have not altered diet in any way (I always cooked) it’s been longer, circa 4 months. But that’s with travel etc etc. Losing the weight was not the problem really as after a week the kilos began to fall off. Keeping them lost is more of an issue. I did have a break and the weight remained consistent, as soon as I started again it begins to fall.
The missus is a nutritionist and she told me that the more I exercise the more my body will consume its reserves as its apparently how this all works. So just by doing the exercises, before breakie, means after it I am starving and can eat a horse, but the weight gain should not be there. It appears to be working as body has switched on exercise, eat, work, is it time for exercise yet mode.
Honestly, the Elite Drivo or any of those trainers along with Zwift, single best investment I’ve ever made in my life. If you like cycling its great in the winter but it takes a week or two for it to kick into your brain this is something I want to do.
It sounds like most of your weight loss is due to the exercise.
I’m not sure if I’d go down the route of the Elite Drivo as I could just as easily cycle in and out of the office every day and easily hit the 50k / week