The Withings scale, or as they like to call it – Wi-Fi Body Scale, looks like a really nice device, but is it that much better than a normal bathroom scales?
I currently have a very functional scale. The Weight Watchers Body Monitoring Electronic Scale, which I picked up in Argos a couple of years ago.
Here’s a photo of it:
It works. It can weigh me. Do I really need anything more?
The withings scale looks very slick:
And it does have a lot of very funky looking options that appeal to someone like me:
Data collection
Instant weigh-in by getting on the scale
Automatically turns on and offWeight
Display units : kg, lb, stlb
Graduation 0.1 kg (0.2 lbs) – 4 sensors
Maximum 180 kg (396 lbs)Display
Big graphical screen (2.4″ x 1.6″)
White, high-contrast lightingBody analysis
ITO Invisible electrodes
Fat mass
Lean mass
Body mass index (BMI)Personalized multi-user monitoring
Automatic user recognition
Comparison to reference values dictated by doctorsOnline connection
Private website secured by password
Monitoring weight fluctuations and fat mass graph
Comparison to reference values dictated by doctors
Ability to set objectives
Web browser supported: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari¹Connectivity
Wireless 802.11b/g
Very low power consumption
WEP/WPA/WPA2-personal security
Data sharingData can be set to private or shared with the other users of the scale
Ability to make your graphs accessible on a webpage
Ability to automatically publish your weight on TwitterContent of boxed set
Withings WiFi scale
USB 2.0 cable
(4) 1.5V batteries (AAA)
4 carpet feet
Installation guide
But, there’s always a “but”, the withings device costs a hell of a lot more than what I paid for my current scales. Even with a discount code (there’s several floating around online) it still ends up costing around €150 including shipping.
So what can it do that makes it that much better than simply plugging the details ie. the weights into one of the web services that I’m already using?

Hmm are you going to be weighing yourself every morning?
This can be off putting especially with fluxuations from day to day. Think a lot of the diets recommend just weighing yourself once a week. As such that’s a pretty hefty chunk of change to spend on 1 measurement once a week.
No – I only weigh myself once a week
Love the idea of this scale – and many of those functions. Although it’s not really doing that much more than a basic set of scales it’s the convenience of it that appeals to me. I use a few health apps on my iPhone (Weightbot and Runkeeper) and Withings would update them every (week) when I weigh myself. The apps provide the motivation and tracking, but Withings makes it something I don’t even have to think about – I like that.
Still expensive though, but OK if it works for you – and I find that good health habits need all the help they can get.
I really think health/fitness/sport and medicine is a massive opportunity for mobile apps, devices like the Withings scale are only the start.
Do you own a Withings? Or are you just attracted to the concept? 🙂
I’d agree about the mobile apps – Tesco Diets have a fairly good mobile site that I’m using for tracking and cooking etc
Don’t have one, although been tempted when in the Belfast Apple Store.
Best thing I’ve done recently has been to give the Paleo system go:
Tried to for 3 weeks, lost about 6lb – but, most importantly, had blood test results confirm significantly reduced cholesterol, blood pressure and sugars. This system appears to work as the man says. Will definitely get back on it again, for long-term hopefully. Big changes to make though, but looks like it would be worth it.
Would still use Withings & exercise apps, but not convinced I can maintain a comprehensive food log for very long (no matter how good the recording app is).
I didn’t realise they had them in the Apple store .. I wonder do they sell them online as well ..
Ok, so it is possible to get the Withings via the Apple store online, but there’s a 3 week leadtime .. so much for that idea 🙂
I’ve seen these scales advertised in other lifestyle/large electronic stores, would have though someone in Dublin would have them. Sportshop?
Otherwise a trip to Belfast? ツ
I’d have to check, but I can buy direct, so that’s probably *as* easy, though it’s still expensive 🙁
Love it Michele!!
Well done – keep up the great work.
BTW… I’d still love
How come you can have but I can’t have ? 🙁
Perhaps you can help me set up Dick Ltd in Ireland.
Email me directly about the domains 🙂
As for the diet etc – it’s still early days – this is going to take time 🙁