This morning’s juice was yet another variation and experiment.
I made a very tasty fresh juice from apples, cucumber, carrots and celery.
I won’t post a recipe this time, as the quantities this morning were a bit “off”, as I was running much lower on carrots and cucumber than I’d have liked.
An annoying reality – carrots do not keep. I bought 3 bags of them on Saturday and they’re all gone now. The ones that are left aren’t usable for anything – they’ve got that shrivelled up thing going on as well as the horrible softness and odd discolouration.
So again, this evening, I’ll have to go to a local supermarket to stock up on vegetables and fruit to feed the beast ie. the juicer.
I’m also going to break out my Jason Vale recipe books. Like other things they’ve been gathering dust since shortly after I got them!
At the moment I’m trying different fruit and vegetable combinations that use fruit and vegetables that I can get easily. From what I recall, however, a lot of the recipes from the likes of Jason Vale also include quite a few combinations and ingredients that aren’t that easy to get in a provincial Irish town.
Related articles
- Weight Loss Juicer Recipe for a Healthy Lifestyle (
- Juicing Experience: Day 8 (

I think your carrot keeping quandary may be due to the type of carrots you are buying. Like spuds, carrots go off much quicker if they are bought pre-washed. If you go for the ugly dirty carrots they keep much longer. Also if you do end up buying pre-washed ones try and put them in something a bit more airy than a plastic bag (tupperware might work better). I read somewhere that you can also keep them submerged in water or wrapped in bubblewrap… haven’t tried these though.
Thanks for the tip. Most of the supermarkets around here seem to sell them in plastic bags. I usually take them out of the bag as soon as I get home and put them on a vegetable rack – which has got plenty of air flow. However I suspect that a lot of the bagged carrots are already on the way out when they’re sold .. so if I could get the “dirty” carrots I might do better .. Guess I need to look harder for carrots 🙂 (I never thought I’d say that!)