For the last year or so I’ve been trying to grow some fresh herbs in my kitchen. Unfortunately it hasn’t always been successful and I’ve probably ended up having to dump as many plants as I’ve been able to keep.
The only herb that seems to grow without issue and can survive my rather sporadic watering schedule is parsley.
Everything else seems to do ok for a couple of weeks and then die off.
Having a constant supply of fresh parsley is fantastic. While parsley may not be the most exciting herb on the planet it certainly adds taste to food when you’re able to cut off a few pieces and chop it up.
If anyone has any tips or tricks on growing kitchen herbs indoors please do share them!

Michele, if you’ve a HomeBase near you. might be worth checking out some of their herb stuff. I typically manage to get thyme and occasionally mint also to cooperate. I have rocket growing on the window sill at the moment as part of the Grow Your Own range and lemon balm and thyme seem to be reasonably indestructible.
I think there’s one on the outskirts of the town. I’m not familiar with their herbs, as I usually go there for other stuff entirely. I’ll look into it – thanks 🙂
Basil is pretty easy to grow indoors just needs regular watering and protection from scorching in strong Sun. Mint is easy too but spreads like crazy, Chives and Oregano are pretty straight forward too, I have all the above along Parsley and Rosemary in a glass house all happy once the slugs stay away!
My main problem is that they get along fine for a few weeks then die .. Which is really annoying 🙁
Some of these plants don’t have a very long life span, they grow up to a certain point than die, but you can easily preserve them by freezing or conserving them.
Collect the leaves as soon as you think they are ready than either put them into a plastic back and freeze or chop them very small, add a bit of salt and olive oil and put them into a jar with an air tight lid and add to your foods anytime you want it using a tea spoon while keeping them in the fridge.