Since I bought the blender a couple of weeks ago I’ve been dying to try it out. This evening I decided that a post dinner “treat” was in order so I made a healthy smoothie 🙂
As I’m going to be away for a few days I’ve been trying to make sure that I’ve used up as much fruit and vegetables as possible as I’d hate them to go to waste – plus they’re really tasty.
Since I’d never made a smoothie before and I wanted to use up ingredients that I had to hand this is what I ended up with

Banana and Berry Smoothie
- 2 bananas peeled and chopped
- Couple of handfuls of frozen mixed berries
- 1 plain yoghurt
- 2 spoons of honey
- handful of ice cubes
Put all the ingredients in the blender bowl
Blend until smooth
And here’s the finished product:
The end result was fantastic, though incredibly cold (doh!). Leaving it to warm up slightly ie. giving it 5 minutes before you drink it probably isn’t a bad idea, as straight from the blender it was headache inducing cold!
I didn’t calculate the calories in this, but I suspect it’s a couple of hundred, as there are two full bananas and a yoghurt in there. I’m not too sure about the frozen berries, but I’m glad I picked up a few packs when I was in SuperQuinn earlier during the week, as I wouldn’t have been able to make this otherwise 🙂
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