When a supermarket runs a discount on pineapple you’d be silly not to take advantage of it. So I ended up buying 4 or 5 pineapples last week in SuperValu. At 25c a pop they were too cheap to overlook. Lidl were also running a discount on a few other vegetables, but I digress.
So what to do with pineapple when you also have beetroot and orange?
This combination worked out pretty well

Beetroot, Pineapple, Orange & Ginger Juice
A deep red juice with a nice mix of flavours
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 2
- 1 pineapple chopped but not peeled
- 1 orange chopped but not peeled
- 1 beetroot chopped
- 2/3 slices of ginger
Top and tail the beetroot - you probably don't want to juice the stem!
Chop all the ingredients up into manageable sizes for your juicer. Juice all the ingredients.
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