Time is an odd thing. Blink and it’s a year, blink again and it’s two or more. The last time I posted anything on this site was back in 2021!! That’s nearly 4 years ago!!!
Since then lots of things have happened, both to me personally and in the wider world. So what about this site?
Like a lot of people I do tend to try to do new things at the beginning of the year. From a purely practical perspective this is also down to it being when a lot of the various subscriptions I have are up for renewal. So as I choose which ones I keep and which ones I let expire it’s a good time to reflect a little on choices.
So I will try to post a little more frequently here about:
- Diet
- weight loss (or the lack of it)
- tools
- growing food
- cooking
- exercise (and the lack of it!)
I’m not going to make a broad commitment to anything, but I will try to be a little better!
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