One of the downsides to eating “properly” is that while you can change what you eat, you can’t add hours to the day ..
So, for me at least, lunch has to be a relatively simple option. What that means is that most days I opt for soup with some bread (wholemeal of course).
Over the last few weeks I’ve become a bit of an “expert” on the various soups available in the the mainstream Irish supermarket chains (SuperQuinn, Dunnes and Tesco) and to be honest I’ve found some of their selection a little lackluster. Mushroom or tomato soup isn’t exactly “adventurous”!
Last weekend I came across an Irish brand that do really tasty soups (see photo on left). They’re incredible, though you do pay a little more for them at around €2.70 a carton (though I think it’s worth it).
Of course they’re from County Cork (as am I!), so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised.
Cork is also home to Cully and Sully who also have a very nice range of soups, though I think most of them are a bit on the high side calorie-wise (though I could be wrong .. )
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